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What Is the Difference In A left-handed shear An A Right-handed Shear?

What Is the Difference In A left-handed shear An A Right-handed Shear?

Posted by Brent Riggins on 27th Aug 2019

So what is really the difference between left and right handed hair shears?

First of all, regardless of whether a shear is right or left handed, when the shear is held with the “right” hand, the natural weight of the hand will make it gently push with the thumb on the thumb ring of the shear and gently pull with the index finger on the upper ring (finger).

Whether you hold a right-handed shear in your right hand or a left-handed shear in your left hand, this slight pressure with your thumb and finger will bring the blades together, making them cut better.

lefty hair shears

However, move the scissors to the other hand, the slight thumb thrust, and finger pull actually separate the two blades while closing them, worsening or not cutting at all.

Left-handed stylist, a silent arrived and inverted dice of the set of screws in their shears converts them from a right shear to a left, does not tell them the truth.

A right-handed shear with a reversed screw on the set is just that: a shear on the right, with a set of reversed screws. 

The scissors will bend and push the hair again like a right scissors would do: the set of screws is now facing the palm of the hand instead of moving away from it.

At Kenchii, we try to provide our stylists with exactly the professional tools they want and need. Our left-handed shears are designed just for lefties and cutting with comfit. Our lefty shears are rated the highest and are made from the best materials. If you are a lefty you will love our shear because they are made just for you. 

Read more about our Japanese made shears